Vi kommer ind til lægen og sætter os på hans kontor. jeg fortæller at anfaldene er tiltagende, men fortsat kortvarige. Jeg fortæller, at de primært kommer, når Arthur sover, men at vi ikke ved hvad der tricker dem... Der er jo helt stille og Arthur sover i sin egen seng.
Lægen fortæller, at dynens milde berøring måske kan være nok til, at starte et anfald hos Arthur.
Han taler om søvnmyoklonier og infantile stereotypier. Jeg synes vi spørger ind, men da vi går derfra, forstår jeg stadig ikke hvad han har sagt.
Lægen fortæller gang på gang, at der findes masser af spædbørn med anfaldsfænomener, der går væk af sig selv inden for et par måneder.
Derefter sætter han Arthurs medicindosis op til 3 mg x 2 dagligt.
Jeg skal ringe om en uge og fortælle hvordan det går.
Fifth visit at Riget Hospital
Again we are going to Arthur’s new doctor. Jesper is at work, so I’ve taken Arthurs grandmother (Jesper’s mother) Anne-lise with me, in hopes that we might understand more of what the Doctor says, together. Anne-lise might also be able to ask the questions I am not asking.We arrive at the Doctor’s, and sit in his office. I tell him that the attacks are progressive, but continually brief. I tell him that they primarily happen, when Arthur is asleep, but that we don’t know what tricks them... It is all quiet when Arthur sleeps in his own bed.
The Doctor tells us that the duvets mild touch might be enough to start an attack in Arthur.
He speaks of sleep-myoclonics and infantile stereotypy. I find that we ask about it, but when we leave, I still don’t understand what he has said.
The Doctor repeatedly tells us that there are a lot of infants with attack phenomenons, which disappear by themselves in a couple of months.
Hereafter he increases Arthur’s medicin dosis to 3 mg x 2 daily.
I must call again in a week and tell how it goes.
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