Arthur har ikke sovet ret længe, da første rystelse kommer. Det er et kort anfald og jeg når ikke at filme det. Arthur får flere anfald, men de varer kun få sekunder. Jeg kan ikke finde ud af hvad der tricker dem, men det må være noget der foregår i søvnen.
Først sent om aftenen lykkes det mig, at filme tre anfald. Optagelserne er skræmmende og jeg bliver frygtelig ked af at se dem.
Hele natten, har jeg kameraet fremme, så jeg kan filme anfaldene. Jeg vågner hver gang af lyden af Arthurs hakkende gråd, men når kun at filme det sidste af anfaldene før de giver slip i hans krop.
February 4th
Video Recordings
Video Recordings
I find my camera and prepare it to recording. The seizures only occur when Arthur sleeps. I feed him and he falls asleep as expected. I lay him gently in the cradle and wait.
Arthur has not slept for long when the first seizure occurs. It is a short seizure and I do not manage to film it. Arthur has several seizures but they only last a few seconds. I cannot figure out what the tricks them, but it has to be something that happens in his sleep.
Not until late at night, I succeed in recording three seizures. The recordings are frightening and I become terribly sad by watching them.
All night I have the camera prepared to film the seizures. I wake up every time by the sound of Arthur’s stuttering cry, but only manage to record the last of the seizures before they relief his body.
Arthur has not slept for long when the first seizure occurs. It is a short seizure and I do not manage to film it. Arthur has several seizures but they only last a few seconds. I cannot figure out what the tricks them, but it has to be something that happens in his sleep.
Not until late at night, I succeed in recording three seizures. The recordings are frightening and I become terribly sad by watching them.
All night I have the camera prepared to film the seizures. I wake up every time by the sound of Arthur’s stuttering cry, but only manage to record the last of the seizures before they relief his body.
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