Vi ankommer til afdelingen for "Sjældne Handicaps" - En afdeling jeg bestemt ikke har lyst til at tilbringe tid på - eller for den sags skyld synes mit barn skal være tilknyttet. I venteværelset leger en masse børn - Mange af dem ser meget specielle ud, nogle sidder i kørestol, nogle taler underligt. Vi venter længe - Arthur sover i barnevognen - Jeg spiller bordfodbold med en knap-så-normal dreng (til hans store fornøjelse)...
Efter en time kommer lægen haltende ud (sådan går han...) for at hente os.
På sit kontor undersøger han Arthur. Han fortæller, at Arthur opfører sig helt normalt. Han bliver vejet til 4,7 kilo. Han undersøger Arthurs hænder, der nu er slået ud.
Lægen siger Arthur har normal tonus og normale senreflekser og normale reaktioner. Han fortæller, at Arthur har en antydning af startlereaktion ved berøring eller lydpåvirkning. Han mener at Arthur måske har haft det han kalder "shivering attacks".Arthur skal fortsætte samme medicin dosis indtil den 24/2 hvor vi skal til tjek igen.
Jeg har utroligt svært ved at forstå hvad lægen siger, både fordi jeg ikke kender hans termer og fordi jeg ganske simpelt ikke kan høre hvad han siger. Jeg spørger om jeg kan få kopi af Arthurs journal, i håb om at kunne læse mig til noget...
Fourth visit at the hospital
We are going to a check-up at Riget* with Arthur’s new doctor. Jesper is at work, so I am going there by myself. I am nervous, because Arthur still has startle attacks after he startes on the medication. They are still very brief (a few seconds) and I can still “break” them by positioning Arthur’s body in upright sitting position.We arrive at the “Rare Handicaps” unit - A unit I certainly don’t want to spend time at - or for that matter want my child to be connected to. Alot of children are playing in the waiting area - Many of them look very special, some are in wheelchairs, some speak peculiarly. We wait for a long time - Arthur sleeps in the carrycot - I play foosball with a not-so-normal boy (to his excitement)...
After waiting an hour the doctor comes out limpingly (that’s how he walks...) to bring us in. In his office he examines Arthur. He tells me that Arthur acts perfectly normal. He is weighed to 4.7 kilos. He examines Arthur’s hands, which are now outspread. The Doctor says that Arthur has a normal tonus and normal tendon reflexes and normal reactions. He tells me that Arthur has an indication of startle reaction when touched or sound influenced. He believes that Arthur might have had what he calls “shivering attacks”. Arthur is going to continue with the same dosis of medicin until the 24th of February, where we will have our next check-up.
I find it unbelievably hard to understand what the doctor is saying, both because I don’t know the terms he is using, but also because I simply can’t hear what he is saying. I ask if I can have a copy of Arthur’s medical journal, in hopes of being able to understand some of it...
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