
søndag den 3. maj 2009

Fysioterapeut - Physiotherapist

Arthur er blevet henvist til fysioterapeuterne på Riget. Han skal starte den 25. maj.
Fysioterapeuten skal vurdere Arthurs motoriske udvikling i forhold til den stivhed han har/ har haft i sin krop.

Efter han er startet med at få Rivotril virker hans krop mere afslappet - Han holder sit hoved dårligere, men er stadig utrolig stærk. 
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Arthur has been referred to the physiotherapist at Riget Hospital. He is to start May 25th. The physiotherapist is going to estimate Arthur’s motoric development in relation to the stiffness he has/have had in his body.

His body seems more relaxed after he started to get Rivotril, - he holds his head worse than before, but is still incredibly strong.

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