Der er selvfølgelig en lægestuderende udover Arthurs læge ;)
Lægen undersøger Arthur. Han reagerer mindre på klap, tap på næsetippen osv. Det er som om medicinen tager toppen af hans sensitivitet. Arthur er også mere afslappet i kroppen. Den tensitet vi før har oplevet er forandret.
Lægen fortæller, at den måde vi har brudt Arthurs anfald på er en anerkendt manøvre, som man underviser, forældre til børn med Hyperekplexia, i. Den har sågar et navn, the Vigevano maneuver. Vi får også at vide, at børn under anfald, kan stoppe med at trække vejret og at sygdommen derfor betragtes som livstruende.
Vi har skrevet en masse spørgsmål ned. De handler alle sammen om hvilket liv, vi kan forvente at Arthur vil få...
Hvor normal en opvækst kan han få? Vokser han fra sygdommen? Kan han gå i almindelig vuggestue? Hvilke bivirkninger har medicinen? Vil han lære at gå? Kommer han til at se normal ud? Falder han? Er han normalt begavet? Dør han tidligere? Skal han have medicin resten af sit liv? Skal vi beskytte ham fra lyd? Skal vi undgå stimuli? Må han ikke lege vildt?
Vi går derfra med både svar og nye spørgsmål med en aftale om en uge.
- - -
First control appointment
Jesper and I go together to Riget Hospital for
Arthur’s first control appointment.
Naturally, there’s a doctors-student with Arthur’s
doctor ;)
The doctor examines Arthur. He reacts on minor clapping, taps on the tip of the nose among more. It is as if the medicine takes the top off his sensitivity. Arthur is also more relaxed in his body. The tensity we’ve previously experienced has changed.
The doctor explains, that the way we have been breaking Arthur’s attacks are an acknowledged maneuver, which parents to children with Hyperexplexia are taught. It even has a name, the Vigevano maneuver. The doctor also tells us, that children can stop breathing during attacks, and that the illness therefore is considered life-threatening.
The doctor examines Arthur. He reacts on minor clapping, taps on the tip of the nose among more. It is as if the medicine takes the top off his sensitivity. Arthur is also more relaxed in his body. The tensity we’ve previously experienced has changed.
The doctor explains, that the way we have been breaking Arthur’s attacks are an acknowledged maneuver, which parents to children with Hyperexplexia are taught. It even has a name, the Vigevano maneuver. The doctor also tells us, that children can stop breathing during attacks, and that the illness therefore is considered life-threatening.
We have written a lot of questions down. They’re all about what kind of
life we can expect that Arthur will have…
How normal an upbringing can he
have? Will he outgrow the illness? Can he be in a normal daycare? Which side
effects has the medicine? Will he learn to walk? Will he look normal? Will he
fall? Is he normally bright/intelligent? Will he die earlier? Does he have to
take medicine for the rest of his life? Should we avoid stimulation? May he not
play wild?
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