
tirsdag den 5. august 2014

Ferie, angst og anfald - Holiday, fear and episodes

Arthur har over de sidste måneder haft seks anfald.
Efter de seneste anfald har det været svært for os at sove.
Arthur har ofte søgt ind i vores seng og vi har ligget bekymrede og kigget på ham mens han sov.
Hvert et sæt er blevet registreret.
Hver en lyd er blevet lyttet efter.

Arthurs læge, på Riget, har fortalt os, at vi skal videofilme hans anfald for, at de kan blive vurderet. Uden en optagelse kan de ikke gøre så meget andet end at regulere hans medicin. Anfaldene har været kortvarige og vi har ikke kunnet nå at finde kamera frem. Vores fulde fokus har naturligvis også været på at bryde anfaldene og tage hånd om Arthur.
Når jeg har været alene hjemme med Arthur, har jeg lagt ham ind i min seng i rædsel for, at han skulle få et anfald jeg ikke registrerede og kunne hjælpe ham ud ad - eller nå at filme.

Da vi den første nat på vores sommerferie i Nice pludselig vågnede, var det af lyden fra et anfald.
Arthur lå i mellem os i den store hotelseng. Igen stod spyt og savl ud fra hans mund og han hakkede i det. Jesper satte ham hurtigt op og med åbne øjne rystede Arthur mens han nærmest savlede. Modsat hans startle attacks fra spædbarnstadiet, var han ikke stiv i kroppen, men derimod slatten.
Jeg fik febrilsk fundet min telefon og sat videokameraet til. Jeg nåede kun at filme 12 sølle sekunder. Sengen var helt våd og vi frygter at han har haft mere end et anfald.
Efterfølgende var Arthur helt væk og vi havde ekstremt svært ved at vække ham.
Filmen fik vi sendt til Riget, hvor Arthurs læge desværre var på ferie.

De følgende nætter var slemme. Vi lå igen og stirrede på ham på skift og jeg sov kun halvt.
I søvne får Arthur mange små startle reaktioner og hver gang fulgte jeg med i om de udviklede sig til anfald.
Fem dage senere kom næste anfald. Jeg fløj op efter mit kamera, men igen nåede anfaldet at gå over, inden jeg nåede at filme det.

I dag ringede Arthurs læge. Han havde set videoklippet og mener ikke, at der nødvendigvis er tale om startle anfald. Arthur skal derfor ind til en 48 timers video EEG på Riget. - Han har fået en tid i oktober og er skrevet på akut venteliste, så vi forhåbentlig kan finde ud af hvad anfaldene skyldes. Det er muligt, at Arthur har/har udviklet flere sygdomme.
I løbet af nogle uger bliver vi kaldt ind til en dag EEG, hvor de håber, at kunne få Arthur til også at sove.

Indtil da, skal vi have en babyalarm med video på ham, så vi kan være sikre på, at vi registrerer alle anfald. Hvis de varer mere end 1 minut, skal vi ringe 112.

Holiday, fear and episodes

Over the past six months Arthur has suffered from six episodes.
Following the episodes we have found it very difficult to go back to sleep.
Arthur has often found refuge in our bed and we've been watching him worryingly as he went back  to sleep, while registering every little jerk, while listening for every little sound.

Arthur’s physician suggested that we videotape his episodes to give the doctors insight into the occurrences. Without a taping there is not much they can do other than simply adjust his medication.  His night time episodes have not lasted long and we have not been able to ready a video camera in time. Our main focus is as always to help stop the episode  and give our support to Arthur.  Being fearful,  that Arthur may suffer an episode that I wouldn’t register and aid him  – or film it,  I have put him in my bed with me when home alone.

It was the sound of such an episode that awoke us  the first night we were vacationing in Nice, France.   Arthur was lying in between us in the big hotel bed.  Drool & saliva was running from his mouth, Arthur was spluttering.  Immediately,  Jesper brought him to a sitting position and with his eyes wide open Arthur trembled  while drool  ran out of his mouth.   Contrary to the startle attacks of his babyhood Arthur’s body was  limber instead of being rigid.

Feverishly, I located my mobile phone  to record a video.  I managed to capture a measly 12 seconds of the episode.  The bed was soaked and we feared that Arthur had suffered more than one incident. Arthur was completely  gone following the episode, it was extremely difficult for us to reawaken him.  The video was sent to his doctor who unfortunately was on holiday himself.

The following nights were tough to go through.  We took turns monitoring Arthur and I was only half asleep. While sleeping Arthur displays many smaller startle reactions and for each I watched closely to see if they were to develop into a full-blown episode.

The next incident occurred 5 days later!  I hurried to locate my camera but once again the episode was over before I managed to videotape anything.

Arthur’s doctor called today!  He had seen the video and he was not convinced that the video showed evidence of a Startle Disease episode.  This means that Arthur will require a 48 hour Video EEG at the hospital (Rigshospitalet).  His appointment is for October, he name is on an acute waitlist, hopefully we will then know what causes these episodes.  It is possible that Arthur has developed additional illnesses. 
In a couple of weeks we will be summoned to come for a daytime EEG during which the medical staff hopes that Arthur will also fall asleep.

Until then we need an at-home baby monitor with video capabilities to be certain that we register all episodes. If any of them last more than one minute we will have to call the medical emergency line  (112).

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