
tirsdag den 21. august 2012

Overdosis - Overdose

Søndag morgen skete det der ikke må ske (igen).
Arthur åbnede medicinskabet og tog Rivotrilen ud, uden vi så det. Da Jesper opdagede, at Arthur legende, dryppede medicin på en ske, havde vi ingen idé om, hvor meget han havde nået at få, på de få øjeblikke, han havde leget alene. Vi regnede ud - udfra flaskens resterende indhold, at Arthur max kunne have taget tidobbelt dosis! - Vi skyndte os at ringe til Lægevagten, - Hvor en mild mand, bad os tage på skadestuen. Vi prøvede at forklare, at skadestuen på Bispebjerg Hospital, nok ikke var stedet, men han holdt fast og sagde farvel. Vi nåede dårligt at pakke vores ting, før Vagtlægen ringede (betydeligt mere oprevet), tilbage. Han havde læst op på hvilken medicin Arthur fik og kendte i øvrigt intet til hans sygdom. Derfor skulle vi straks tage på Rigshospitalet, hvor de ventede på os!
Arthur væltede glad ind i Børnemodtagelsen - Han skulle køre i legebiler og spille grisespil på computeren - Jo, han var glad... Fed tur søndag formiddag!
Sygeplejersken kom med kul, som skulle hindre, at Arthurs krop skulle optage den store mængde medicin. "Jeg vil ikke drikke sand, jeg hellere spille grisespil" gentog Arthur. Med lovning på is, gaver og kakaomælk, drak Arthur et halvt glas kul. Derefter kunne han ikke mere og jeg tvang et halvt glas i ham (eller rettere ned ad hans bluse).
En læge kaldte os ind - Arthur til undersøgelse, jeg til krydsforhør. Derefter skulle vi blive til observation i nogle timer (og ja, her mener jeg VI).
Heldigvis kom Arthurs fantastiske farmor os til undsætning, så timerne ikke blev så lange.
Kort før vi måtte gå, gik Arthur på toilettet. Brættet faldt ned over hans tissemand og Arthur havde naturligvis meget ondt. Løbende ned ad hospitalsgangen råbte han som det mest indlysende i hele verden "Mor, du skal puste og kysse på min tissemand!!!" - Man undrer sig over, at vi fik lov til at gå kl. 13.00 ;)
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The thing that must never happen, happened (again) sunday morning.

Arthur opened the medicin cabinet and took the Rivotril without us
seeing it. When Jesper noticed it  there here was no way of knowing
how much medicine Arthur had taken while playing, dripping the
Rivotril on a spoon. Based on the amount left in the bottle we figured
out that he could maximum have taken ten times the amount of his
normal dose!

We hurried and called the emergency medical services and a gentle man
told us to go ahead and head for the emergency room at a different
hospital that we usually go to. And even though we tried to tell him
that the emergency room that he wanted us to go to, probably wasn’t
the place for Arthur, he stuck to it and said goodbye. We had hardly
packed our bags before he called us back, considerably more upset. He
had read about Arthurs medicine and didn’t know anything about his
disease. He told ud to go to Rigshospitalet right away, they were
expecting ud.

Arthur was happy arriving to the children’s ward reception area. The
hospital is a place were he can ride in the play cars and play the
piggy game on the computer. Yes, HE was happy. An awesome way to spend
sunday morning….hooray…

The nurse came with charcoal for him to drink, to prevent his body
from consuming large amounts of the medicine. ”No! I do not want to
drink sand! I want to play piggy game!” Arthur said again and again. I
made him drink a half of glass of charcoal with promises of icecream,
presents and chocolate milk. He couldn’t drink more after half a
glass. After that I had to force it in him (Or rather down his shirt.)

A doctor sent for us, Arthur for a check up, me for a
cross-examination. They held us for observation afterwards (and I
really mean WE were under observation!) fortunately Arthur’s amazing
grandmother came to the rescue so the hours felt shorter.

Arthur went to the bathroom just before we had to leave. The seat fell
over his willy og he was in alot of pain. When we left he ran after me
yelling after me ”Mommy, I want you to kiss and blow me on my
willy!!!!” One might wonder why they let us leave at one o’clock that
same afternoon;)

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