Vi måtte ringe til lægevagten, som kom ud i sommerhuset og så ham. Hun sikrede, at vi blev indlagt på Holbæk sygehus i isolation, da lægerne havde mistanke om kighoste.
Arthur fik taget en masse prøver og vi skulle afvente svar, men da det blev weekend testede de ikke og vi måtte blot vente. Der kom ingen læger eller sygeplejersker og de glemte at give os mad. Vi havde begge opkast ud over vores tøj, men de havde ikke noget andet vi kunne få.
Det hele var meget absurd og underligt, men efter to dage, fik jeg overbevist dem om, at vi skulle overflyttes til Riget. Min mor hentede os og kørte os til København, hvor vi på Rigshospitalet blev indlagt i isolation igen. Efter et døgn, blev vi udskrevet. I al den tid, vi var indlagt, ville Arthur ikke spise. Han drak heldigvis, da han ellers skulle have haft sonde.
Om en lille uge, skal vi til Spanien og Frankrig - Så nu må han godt blive frisk.
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Breathing problems
Arthur has cought a lot over the last time.
Nevertheless we went to the summerhouse on Friday. The coughing got so bad,
that he threw up again and again during his coughing-attacks. We had to call
the on call doctor, who came to the summerhouse and examined him. She made
sure, that we were admitted to Holbæk Hospital in isolation, because the
doctors suspected it was whooping cough.
Arthur got a lot of tests taken and we had to wait
for answers, but when it became weekend, they didn’t test and we just had to
wait. No doctors or nurses came, and they forgot to give us food. Both of us
had vomit on our clothes, but they didn’t have any other clothes we could get.
It was all very absurd and weird, but after two days, we convinced them, that
we should be transferred to Riget Hospital. My mother picked us up and drove us
to Copenhagen, where we at Rigshospitalet got admitted in isolation again.
After 24-hours, we got discharged. In all of the time Arthur was admitted, he
didn’t want to eat. Luckily he drank, otherwise he should have had tube.
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