Jeg finder det på den ene side logisk, at kosten selvfølgelig påvirker børns energiniveau og koncentrationsevne (det er der jo ikke noget nyt i) og på den anden side, overrasker det mig, at børn med svære opmærksomhedsforstyrrelser, kan ændre så markant adfærd ved at spise anderledes.
Arthur er ofte urolig og meget let afledelig, han har svært ved, at sidde stille, ikke mindst, når han forventes at spise. Derfor besluttede jeg, at opsøge en Ernæringsterapeut med særligt kendskab til ernæringsterapi for urolige børn.
Jeg har før beskrevet, at Arthur ikke spiser ret meget i forhold til andre børn. Derfor forestiller jeg mig, at han ofte må være lav på energi, føle sig flad, men ikke desto mindre, er det svært, at få ham til at spise noget. Dette blev endnu tydeligere, da jeg pludselig skulle notere hvad han spiste fra morgen til aften i løbet af nogle dage forinden vores besøg hos Ernæringsterapeuten.
Arthur og jeg mødte op hos Center for Ernæring og Terapi, hvor vi havde en aftale med Nanna Stigel. Jeg havde Arthur med, hvilket egentlig ikke var nødvendigt (måske snarere en dårlig idé), men jeg er så vant til, at Arthur skal med til de behandlinger han går til.
Nanna Stigel havde lavet en plan for hvad Arthur bør spise, hvilke kosttilskud mm. han bør få. På baggrund af vores samtale, kom hun med en masse gode forslag til, hvordan vi kan tænke ernæring anderledes og Nanna har efterfølgende sendt os en hulens masse opskrifter.
Nu starter vi hver morgen med æg og grøntsager i stedet for yoghurt og Havrefras. Vi snacker nødder uden salt og Arthur er blevet vild med proteinsmoothies, selvom jeg synes, de smager rædselsfuldt.
Måske er det en dille, måske får Arthur (og resten af familien) et mere stabilt blodsukker, hvilket måske kan give mere ro, overskud og fokus i hverdagen. Del endelig erfaringer!
Og PS. - Tak for de 30.000+ hits :)
(Der er rigtig mange der læser med fra hele verden, så hvis nogle skulle få tid til at oversætte et par indlæg til engelsk, så giv endelig lyd).
For a long while, I’ve followed various
studies of children with attention-difficulties (primarily Aspergers Syndrome
and ADHD/ADD), that, in order to change behavior and symptoms, get a dietary
On one hand I find it logical, that the diet affects
children’s energy and concentration (nothing new in that), and on the other
handm it suprises me that children with severe concentration problems can
change their behavior in such a drastic way by eating differently.
Arthur is often uneasy and very easily distracted, has difficulties sitting still, especially when he’s expected to eat. So I decided to seek out a Dietary Therapist with special knowledge in the field of restless children.
I have described in the past how Arthur doesn’t eat much in comparison to other children. Therefore I imagine that his energy levels must by low, feel “flat”, but still I find it hard to get him to eat. This became even more evident when I suddenly had to write down what he eats all day for a few days before our visit at the Dietary Therapist.
Arthur and I showed up at the Center for Diet and Therapy, where we had an appointment with Ninna Stigel. I had brought Arthur along, which actually wasn’t necessary (maybe rather a bad idea), but I’m so used ot bringing him along for the treatments.
Nanna Stigel had made a plan for what Arthur should eat and which supplements etc. he should have. She gave a lot of suggestions based on our conversation about how we can think differently when it comes to eating habit, and Nanna has since then sent us a whole lot of recipes.
Now, we start every morning with eggs and vegetables instead of yoghurt and Havrefras (oat cereal). We snack on unsalted nuts, and Arthur has become crazy about protein smoothies, even though I think they taste horrible.
Maybe it’s just a trend, maybe Arthur (and the rest of the family) will get a more stable blood suger level, which might give us peace, energy and focus in the everyday life. Feel free to share experiences!
Arthur is often uneasy and very easily distracted, has difficulties sitting still, especially when he’s expected to eat. So I decided to seek out a Dietary Therapist with special knowledge in the field of restless children.
I have described in the past how Arthur doesn’t eat much in comparison to other children. Therefore I imagine that his energy levels must by low, feel “flat”, but still I find it hard to get him to eat. This became even more evident when I suddenly had to write down what he eats all day for a few days before our visit at the Dietary Therapist.
Arthur and I showed up at the Center for Diet and Therapy, where we had an appointment with Ninna Stigel. I had brought Arthur along, which actually wasn’t necessary (maybe rather a bad idea), but I’m so used ot bringing him along for the treatments.
Nanna Stigel had made a plan for what Arthur should eat and which supplements etc. he should have. She gave a lot of suggestions based on our conversation about how we can think differently when it comes to eating habit, and Nanna has since then sent us a whole lot of recipes.
Now, we start every morning with eggs and vegetables instead of yoghurt and Havrefras (oat cereal). We snack on unsalted nuts, and Arthur has become crazy about protein smoothies, even though I think they taste horrible.
Maybe it’s just a trend, maybe Arthur (and the rest of the family) will get a more stable blood suger level, which might give us peace, energy and focus in the everyday life. Feel free to share experiences!
And PS. – Thank you for the 30.000+ hits