Kort efter ringer en kvindelig læge. Jeg spørger ind til hvorfor hun ringer i stedet for Arthurs læge? Hun svarer, som det mest naturlige i verden, at han da er gået på pension?!!! PENSION?!?! Jamen hvorfor har han dog ikke sagt det? Hvorfor har vi overhovedet fået ham som læge? Vi sidder med et barn med flere voldsomme anfald hverdag, ingen ved hvad det er... Og så går lægen (uden et ord) på pension?!?!!
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23. Marts 2009
Call from “Riget” Hospital
I’m sitting in a bar, drinking coffee with a friend,
when the Doctor’s secretary calls from the Hospital. Arthur is going to the
24-hour-examination in an EEG video room at “Riget” April 14th. I am
told that the doctor will call me in a little while, with some information…
Shortly after, a female doctor calls. I ask why she
is calling instead of Arthur’s Doctor? She answers, as the most natural thing
in the world, that he retired?!!! RETIRED?!?! But why has he not told us that?
Why did we get him as our doctor at all? We have a child, with several intense
attacks every day, nobody knows what it is… And then the Doctor (without a
word) retires?!?!!