
mandag den 23. marts 2009

Syvende besøg på Riget - Seventh visit at “Riget” Hospital

Jesper og jeg tager sammen af sted til Riget. 

Til lægen fortæller vi, at Arthur fortsat har cirka tre anfald hver nat. De starter stadig ved at han får små ryk i hænderne, hans arme trækkes ind foran kroppen, hele kroppen bliver stiv og den hakkende gråd tiltager, mens Arthurs øjne er halvt åbne. Vi bøjer fortsat hans krop, dette bryder stadig alle anfaldene.

Lægen undersøger igen Arthur. Han fremstår helt normal i sin udvikling. Ved pludselig lyd får han dog et sæt gennem hele kroppen.
Lægen vil igen øge Arthurs medicin dosis, Arthur vejer nu 5,8 kilo. Han skal derfor have 3+3 mg Frisium. 
Lægen foreslår, at Arthur skal ind til døgnundersøgelse på Rigets videostue. Det takker vi selvfølgelig ja til. Inden indlæggelsen, skal han ikke have medicin.

Vi går temmelig forvirrede derfra...
- - - 

23. Marts 2009
Seventh visit at “Riget” Hospital

Jesper und I go to Riget together.

We tell the doctor that Arthur continuously has circa three attacks every night. They still start by him getting small shakes in the hands, his arms pulls in front of his body, the entire body becomes stiff and the stuttering cry increases, while Arthur’s eyes are half open. We continue to bend his body, this still break the attacks.

The doctor examines Arthur again. He appears completely normal in his development. Though, by sudden sounds he gets a startle through his entire body.
The Doctor wants to increase Arthur’s medicin doses again, Arthur now weighs 5,8 kilos. Therefore should he have 3+3 mg Frisium. The doctor suggests that Arthur comes to the hospital’s video(surveillance) room for a 24hour-examination. Naturally we accept this offer. Arthur must not get medicine, before the hospitalization.

We walk home from the meeting very confused..      

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