
mandag den 3. august 2009

Om at flyve - About flying

Der er mange ting, man ikke ved, når man har et barn med en særlig diagnose, som man i øvrigt ikke kan læse om. Derfor var vi også meget i tvivl om, hvordan det ville gå, at flyve med Arthur.
Var der noget særligt vi skulle tage højde for?

Jeg ringede til Riget og fik en ekstra recept, så jeg kunne hente ekstra medicin til Arthur på apoteket - Jeg ville dobbeltsikre, så vi både havde medicin i håndbagagen og i tasken. Jeg kopierede Arthurs journal fra Riget og pakkede den ned sammen med Arthurs medicin. - Tænk nu, hvis lufthaven tog den fra os, fordi det var en flaske med væske? Jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg forestillede mig - At de ville nægte et spædbarn livsnødvendig medicin? 

Vi kom naturligvis fint af sted - I lufthavnen gik alt som det skulle - Og flyveturen var intet problem. Der var ingen særlige forbehold at tage - Arthur reagerede ikke på at flyve.

Vi havde en fantastisk ferie i både Spanien og Frankrig.  
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About flying

There are loads of thing that you do not know, when you have child with a particular diagnosis, which you’re not able to read about anywhere. Therefore we were very unsure, how it would work out to take Arthur flying. Was there anything special we needed to know, any special precautions we needed to take?

I called the hospital and got an additional prescription, so I could pick up extra medicin for Arthur at the pharmacy – I wanted to double check that we had enough medication both in the hand luggage and in the check in luggage. I copied Arthur’s hospital records and packed them with Arthur’s medication – what if the airport security staff would take the medication from us, because it was a bottle with fluids? I don’t know what I imagined exactly – that they would deny an infant vital medication?

Of course we made it – at the airport everything went without any problems – as was the flight itself. There were no particular precautions to be made – Arthur never reacted to flying in any way.
We had a fantastic holiday in Spain and France.

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